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Test Name: | T- and B-Lymphocyte/Nat Killer |
Test Code: | 505370 |
Other Names: | N/A |
Test Includes: | Abs.CD19+ Lymphs, % CD19+ Lymphs, Absolute CD 3, % CD 3 Pos. Lymph., Absolute CD 4 Helper, % CD 4 Pos. Lymph., Abs. CD 8 Suppressor, % CD 8 Pos. Lymph., CD4/CD8 Ratio, Ab NK (CD56/16), % NK (CD56/16), WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelets, Neutrophils, Lymphs, Monocytes, Eos, Basos, Immature Cells, Neutrophils (Absolute), Lymphs (Absolute), Monocytes(Absolute), Eos (Absolute), Baso (Absolute), Immature Granulocytes, Immature Grans (Abs), NRBC |
Specimen Requirements: | Whole blood, Fill tube(s) to capacity. |
Container: | Lavender-top (EDTA) tube AND yellow-top (ACD-A) or (ACD-B) tube |
Collection Instructions: | Invert tube 8 to 10 times immediately after collection. To preserve cellular viability, collect specimen so it will arrive in the laboratory within 48 hours of collection. Indicate date and time of venipuncture on the tube(s) and on the test request form. |
Stability: | Maintain specimen at room temperature. |
Rejection Criteria / Special Instructions: | N/A |
Methodology: | Flow cytometry |