Test Menu
You can search for test information by test name or by selecting the first letter of the test name. Information provided for each test includes the preferred specimen, collection instructions and transport temperature.
Test Number |
Test Name |
505370 |
T- and B-Lymphocyte/Nat Killer |
505750 |
T-Cell Activation, CD8 Subsets |
1740 |
T3 |
1720 |
T3 Uptake |
1730 |
T4 |
700248 |
Tacrolimus |
711034 |
Tacrolimus, Immunoassay |
004226 |
Testosterone, Total, Serum |
070001 |
Testosterone, Total, Women, Children, and Hypogonadal Males, LC/MS-MS |
140103 |
Testosterone,Free and Total |
163691 |
Tetanus Antitoxoid IgG Ab |
1680 |
Therapeutic Drugs |
50010 |
Throat Culture |
006684 |
Thyroid Antibodies |
330015 |
Thyroid Cascade Profile |
1650 |
Thyroid Panel |
006676 |
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies |
716285 |
Topiramate (Topamax), Serum |
2120 |
Total Bilirubin |
2620 |
Total Cholesterol |
2022 |
Total Protein |
004937 |
Transferrin |
3301 |
Transferrin Saturation |
071688 |
Trazodone, Serum |
188052 |
Trich vag by NAA |
411020 |
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) |
2610 |
Triglycerides |
002188 |
Triiodothyronine (T3) |
010389 |
Triiodothyronine (T3), Free, Serum |
120832 |
Troponin I |
1710 |